The Road Ahead

We are very happy to report that since we kicked off our campaign we have had many, many people come forward to volunteer and donate to support the cause. Thank you very much to the people that have contributed with their time and their money. We wouldn’t be able to do this without you and together we will get there!


The Road Ahead will involve building awareness, signing up grassroots members volunteers and donors, recruiting capable and workhorse candidates and refining party policies and principles that will best serve the people of Alberta.

We have a great start and now we will continue to work hard to keep building with this energy.

During this election we call on our party members to get the word out to their families, friends and neighbors: Alberta needs to determine its own future, and not just do what Ottawa tells us to. We’ve tried that, and we tried it in good faith and with much patience, but it hasn’t gotten us anywhere.

After the election, we will hold a Policy and Volunteer Training Conference where we will cover our Party’s policies and principles and conduct breakout training sessions to help the people building our Party to organize, talk to voters, sign-up new members and raise money for their local constituencies associations. 

What else can you do to help?

Volunteer, buy or renew your membership, make a donation and above all, spread the word! Like and share our messages about the things that a Wildrose government would do to get Alberta a better deal and press forward to autonomy! 

Stay tuned for our messages over the coming weeks. We will give you campaign updates and share our vision for new programs and policies that will enable Alberta to grow and thrive.

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  • Cameron Parke
    published this page in Leader's Blog 2023-05-23 17:13:58 -0600