At the Doors with Jeevan

At the doors, Albertans have expressed their deep concern for their fellow Albertans living in the areas hit hard by the recent wildfires. Many people are concerned with the increasing cost of living but the focus has shifted to the displaced Northern Alberta families and the safety of the emergency responders.


It’s a very serious situation but Albertans have always been a people who are eager to help a neighbor in need. We’ve fought through floods, fires, tornadoes, blizzards and drought and we’ve risen to challenge every time.

Our fellow provinces have dispatched their brave firefighters to help put the blazes out and I offer them my very sincere gratitude.

It is our belief that Alberta would be best able to achieve its fullest potential through having self-determination and that is what Wildrose stands for. But, I would like to remind, and also reassure people, that the spirit of helping is deeply ingrained in Albertans and we would never depart from this as a province or as a nation.

Likewise, we would not be above accepting help from our neighbors and allies when we are in need, and I can speak for myself and for many Albertans I have spoken with personally to express our heartfelt thanks to all of the emergency responders and extend a special thanks to the firefighters that have come to help fight the fires from other provinces, your efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you very much from all of us.

To the Albertans that are threatened and displaced: we, your fellow Albertans and our friends, will support you and see that you get through this ordeal.


Jeevan Mangat


Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta

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  • J Duce
    published this page in Leader's Blog 2023-05-23 17:42:19 -0600